Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Edinburgh: Day 3 (New Years Day)

I went back up to the Royal Mile and walked around for a while. I ended up crossing the North Bridge and walking up the road a while to take in quite a vista. While doing some gift shopping for Madre, I found out that not only was I completely out of cash, but my debit card had stopped working. Of course, it’s New Years Day, so the banks are all closed, and tomorrow is the weekend. I can’t withdraw cash, I can’t make credit transactions, and I have 30 pence in my pocket. However, I did get a very nice present for Madre, so that’s a plus. I manage to get hold of the folks and give them the 1800 number for my card (I’m blocked from making the call from the UK for some reason). They find out that the bank shut down my card because they’d seen transactions from Scotland and weren’t able to get hold of me (because I was in Scotland). So they were working in my best interest, and for that, I thank them, but it was still frustrating. Mom and Dad were able to reactivate the card because they’re still cosigners on the account, which makes me wonder why when First Interstate was unable to get hold of me, they didn’t try calling the Padres. But whatevs, crisis resolved.

The Wilkes and I went out for dinner one last time and I left immediately after. I wanted to give them some time together as a family (and I also wanted to explore as much as I could one last time). I walked the Royal Mile again, walked around the University of Edinburgh campus, the Meadows, and went back to “The Last Drop” for a pint. It was definitely awkward being by myself in a crowded pub on New Years, but I stuck out, had my pint, and started to go back to the guesthouse.

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