Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Header Text

So I realised it's been a little old while since I last updated.

Have you ever had the opportunity to see a concert that you've been dying to see for months? Nay, years? And then, when you're living in a moment of pure euphoria as the band plays their opening songs, you're told point-blank to record their show?

I did. Chicago, last Tuesday. They were touring for their 40th year together. 40 years. They've put out 30 albums. They. Were. Amazing.

I have some concert footage, although it's rather small and the sound peaks out a lot. My only recording instrument was my cell phone, poor thing. Still....once I get around to moving the files onto a microSD card, I'll host them online for any and all who care.


Motif Designs: I've almost bought my domain. I have a query out to a friend to see what he recommends, but I believe I'll be purchasing with a fuckload of subdomains, that way I can have or or or....the list goes on. The place I'm looking at is highly recommended thus far, and very reasonably priced.

The Headwaters B&B contract is almost complete; I've finished the index page and template, and have submitted it for review. If it gets a green light, the rest of the page [Phase I] will be completed (hopefully) within a day. Phase II is a bit more complex and would cost more money. If, at some point, Headwaters wants to venture down that path, I'll be raring to go.


National Park Service:

Right, I've been wanting to tell someone about this all day, but don't want to bring it up for fear of sounding egotistical. Tomorrow is my last day of work for the park service for this summer. A quick recap: Personnel kinda screwed me over; Despite the fact that I know the system we were working on better than anyone else in the region and that I taught it several times to other people, I was hired on as a lowly GS-3. This is because I'm a student. My knowledge and experience mean nothing, however. --> AngryKit@Gov't

So today, my big boss had called a safety meeting. We have them every week. She starts this one off by making a public announcement that A.) If I want a job with the Outfit next year, I have one (which is huge), and B.) I was recommend for, and will be receiving as soon as the paperwork goes through, an award for my exemplary work this summer.

Whoa, wait, backtrack.

A fucking award. A public award that I can tout on my resume, a monetary award to go straight to me. This is fucking huge.

Folks gotta understand, Seasonal Employees don't get awards. GS-3s don't get awards. Maybe they get told by their boss "Yeah, good work this summer." They don't have awards passed through official channels to the very top. That's reserved for the term or permanent employees who are in it for the long haul.

Holy. Fuck.

I'm still blown away by this, if you couldn't tell. I mean, yeah, I knew I'd done good work. I'd taken on massive projects and had them done in a handful of days. I've been communicating directly with the folks from Washington DC. I've been supervising another employee. I've been helping to make policy decisions about Yellowstone's web content. I was put in charge of what could very easily be Yellowstone's most popular, most sensitive project: the webcams. I learned ActionScript in a matter of days instead weeks. I've done Flash applets that are more advanced than I should have been able to do, given my time and training.

...and that's just part of what I stepped in to this summer. Not exactly the work a GS-3 seasonal does, is it?

But an award? Someone must have been wicked impressed. I guess it sounds a lot more feasible when I enumerate it all, but still....whoa. Thank you, Craig, for having faith in me and for putting me in for this award.


BHG: Going to review Cadre policy and get that posted soon. Need to confer with Gravant on that. Got a good email from Gramps about LHA standards, I need to comment and reply. XOC registries were wiped, which makes me sad as I finally had a SE ship (an Erebos) that I'd outfitted for 26+ million, the most I'd spent on any craft to date. Oh well. :P


Small Gun: Been talking to Anna about this. Once I have my domain, setting up the web portion should not take too long. Hopefully we'll get a story arc and character sketches out soon. Not much new in that dept right now.

Until we meet again,


1 comment:

Ma'ayan said...


congrats, me boy!