Thursday, July 31, 2008

When you're caught between the moon and New York City oughta do something about it. Okay, I give up, I don't actually know how that song goes. But it was playing during the credits of a movie I just watched, so it's still fresh in mine head.

Hum hum hum, what's new in the world of Kit?

I figured out what I believe to be one of my defining characteristics. It's something I see in myself on many levels, from the mundane to the esoteric. That's that I love a challenge. I love a fight. I love an adventure. Now what do I mean by that? It's not just the physical happenings of the world, though that's certainly true. I go and find the things that are liable to leave a mark on me, and I do them. Whether it's my first kayaking trip being down a series of rapids, or applying to a school I know nothing about, or waking up and deciding to drive 5 hours to a theatre camp I'm not enrolled in, or talking to that cute girl who works in the Con library, or.... the list goes on.

It's hard to articulate, and sounds incredibly trite, I'm sure, but the point of it is that life isn't fun without a good challenge. And I know how much I revel in that. And I like that about me; it's what doesn't let me stop, even when all the chips are down. I know people who can't do that. They freeze up when a challenge arrives, whether its in the form of a massive work burden, or emotional turmoil or just plain old depression. Hey, I get it, too. And I'm surely one who's been unsure of what the next move ought to be. But one of the things I'm most pleased with about myself is that, even then, I'm moving forwards.

I was recently feeling down because of too much routine in my life. And then it dawned on me. As I later told one of my closest friends as I was baking in the heat of Bozeman, "Nobody's going to change my routine for me. If I'm dissatisfied, I've only got myself to blame. So fix it, soldier." And I did. It's like I told my cat this morning as he was whining to have someone watch him eat: "Become a pioneer of the inevitable." Now, I was telling him to just eat, even if no one was there, but it rang true for me.


Huh, so that wasn't supposed to delve into the kitPsyche, but whatevs. I feel great, and that's what really counts.

What I don't feel great about is George Lucas's latest shitproject...I mean, the Clone Wars animated film coming out in a month. Seriously. Now, I'm about one of the biggest Star Wars geeks you will ever meet, and even I don't feel I can see it. And this is coming from a guy who got early tickets for Revenge of the Sith, because I'm just that cool (Yeah, yeah, I saw it before it opened :3)

I bought Pokemon Diamond a couple of weeks ago, but have yet to play it. This is due, largely, to one fact: The copy I bought was used, and the previous owner did not delete his save. There is a shitload of 'manz I can't just delete. It's like being given a gift that you just throw away. Seriously. Like, whoa.

Although I like to ramble a bit, and could ramble a bit more, I think I'm going to read or play Mass Effect or something.




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