Friday, May 2, 2008

My December

Going on 4.30am. I've finished my calculus that was technically due on Monday, but I hadn't finished due to CSCI homework. No chance in the wide world that I'll have the problem set that's due tomorrow done. I'll probably just wait until Monday to hand it in and take the late points.

I did finish my history paper. I..don't know how much the professor will like it. If it was my politics class, it'd be a good A paper. So I guess we'll just have to see how that goes. Good, bad, I don't really care. Class evaluations are (hopefully) tomorrow, so I can actually say what I want about the course, and soon enough it'll be over. Fin. Done with.


And I'd give it all away just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away to have someone to come home to


Love and life shouldn't be that hard. Who knows why, but it is. Too many people I care about are hurting these days: My sisters, my friends, me. What gets me is that things shouldn't have to be that painful. I know, I know...pain helps you grow, makes you stronger, blah blah blah blah blah. I even agree with all of that. In fact, I like to think I'm pretty adept with dealing with it. What gets me is to see people I care about in pain, to know that they're having a rough time of it. It's just... is it really so much to ask for their lives to be made easier? Even a little? I don't really care about my own in this respect...I just wish everyone else's could be a few shades brighter.

Edit: I'm sorry for the emo-ness of this post. It's late, I'm tired, I'm grouchy at the world for sucking. I've been listening to Linkin Park. I'm hungry. Deal with it.

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